Saturday, March 5, 2011

Channel, External Noise, Internal Noise

Channels are how messages are transmitted from one to another, using our senses.  The channel is touch when you touch someones hand when you give them a high five. The channel is sight when you wink at your girlfried. The channel is taste when you eat a piece of pizza. The channel is hearing when you hear the policeman blow his whistle.  The channel is smell when you smell the landfill as you drive by it.

Internal noise is inside the listener.  Examples can be hunger,  poor comprehension, financial problems and boredom. External noise is outside the listener, such as loud music, thunderstorm, dogs barking, etc. Sometimes you can control these two noises, and sometimes you cannot.  For example, if you are hungry you can eat.  However, you can't turn off a thunderstorm.

Recently, I applied to go on a summer, short-term mission's trip to Turkey, with my church youth group.  Until I was interviewed and chosen to go, all I could think about was making this team.  I was afraid that I wouldn't be chosen, because I was worried that others would be more qualified to go and there was a limited number of positions.   Constantly thinking about Turkey, spending time with my friends on this trip and worrying I wouldn't be able to go, are examples of internal noise that I experienced.

An example of external noise is all of the barking that goes on inside my house.  I have three little ankle-biters that live with my family and they are always barking.  Threats to clip their vocal chords are ignored, since they have no idea what I'm saying.